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Aminogro MAXi Magnesium 8% - 10 kg

$240.93 Inc. GST

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Aminogro MAXi Magnesium 8% - 25 kg

$396.7 Inc. GST

Aminogro MAXi Magnesium 8%

Aminogro MAXi Magnesium helps to provide plants with the critical nutrients it needs for chlorophyll formation and photosynthesis. Magnesium is one of the 13 key mineral nutrients found in soil and when added through Aminogro MAXi helps activate enzymes needed for good plant growth.

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  • Provides magnesium to boost protein synthesis and promote strong crop yield
  • OrganoPLEX technology to enhance plant uptake and assimilation
  • Contains 7.1% organic nitrogen in the form of amino acids to assist with healthy plant growth
  • Treats symptoms of magnesium deficiency
  • Can be used to alleviate aluminium based soil toxicity

Magnesium (Mg): 8% w/w
Organic Carbon (C): 19% w/w
Amine Nitrogen (N): 7.1% w/w

Aminogro MAXi OrganoPLEX provides plants with a Magnesium chelate and is an efficient way to deliver and mobilise magnesium in plants. Magnesium is a critical nutrient for protein synthesis, overall photosynthetic performance and plant metabolism. Crops that show magnesium deficiency such as poor early root growth or interveinal chlorosis (a yellowing between the veins) on older leaves can be treated with magnesium.

1 L Scoop = approx. 400 g

The rates below are a guide and dependent upon soil and sap tests throughout the growing season.
Consult your OCP Agronomist for further advice.

Tree Crop

Tree Crop Rate 1st Application 2nd Application 3rd Application
Pome Fruit 1-2 kg/ha 2 weeks after fruit set During colouring of fruit (optional – may delay harvest) After picking to extend leaf function & sugar accumulation
Stone Fruit 1.5-2 kg/ha 1-2 weeks after fruit set After picking to extend leaf function & sugar accumulation
Nuts 1-2 kg/ha 2-3 weeks after nut set After picking to extend leaf function & sugar accumulation
Bananas 1-2 kg/ha With seasonal applications of Potassium & Nitrogen

Vine Crop

Vine Crop Rate 1st Application 2nd Application 3rd Application
Table Grapes 1-1.5 kg/ha Pre-bloom E-L 12 Fruit set E-L 27 Post harvest E-L 4 to extend leaf function & sugar accumulation
Wine Grapes 750 g-1.5 kg/ha Pre-bloom E-L 12 Fruit set E-L 27 Post harvest E-L 40 to extend leaf function & sugar accumulation
Strawberries, Blueberries 750 g-1.5 kg/ha Before flowering & as per sap test recommendation

Protected Crops

Protected Crops Rate Application Timing
Hydroponic NFT All crops 500 g-1 kg/10,000 L Consult OCP agronomist for crop specific requirements
Nursery Stock Foliar If deficiency is detected consult OCP agronomist

Field Crops

Field Crops Rate 1st Application 2nd Application 3rd Application
Lettuce 750 g-1.5 kg/ha 4 leaf stage 3 weeks later
Carrots, Onions, Leeks, Turnips 750 g-1.5 kg/ha 2 weeks after emergence 4 weeks later
Brassica, Crucifer 750 g-1.5 kg/ha 6-8 true leaf stage At head initiation
Bean & Peas 750 g-1.5 kg/ha 4-6 true leaf stage At first bloom
Potatoes, Yam, Taro 750 g-1.5 kg/ha At tuber set Early bloom
Sweet Corn 750 g-1.5 kg/ha 2-6 true leaf stage 50-75cm growth
Cucurbits 2 kg/ha 4 true leaf stage Pre-bloom First fruit set
Tomato, Capsicum 2 kg/ha 15-20cm First pre-bloom 7 days later

Professional Turf

Professional Turf Rate Application Timing
Greens & Tees 500 g/1000 m2 Renovation as required by soil test & growing conditions
Greens & Tees 750 g/1000 m2 Maintenance as required by soil test & growing conditions
Fairways 2.5 kg/ha As required by soil test & growing conditions

Aminogro MAXi Magnesium can be safely mixed with most horticultural sprays. It is recommended to check pesticide labels for compatibility with foliar fertilisers and to complete a patch test on a small area before applying to the entire crop. A buffer like Maxi-Buff Organic can be tank mixed to improve compatibility outcomes where high pH of the spray solution may be a concern.

  • Aminogro MAXi Magnesium 8% - 10 kg
  • Aminogro MAXi Magnesium 8% - 25 kg

This product is recommended to be used as a supplementary plant nutrient source as part of a thorough fertilising program.

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