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Yates MoisturAid Granular Wetting Agent

$167.67 Inc. GST

Yates MoisturAid Granular Wetting Agent

MoisturAid is a granular wetting agent for turf, nurseries, potting mix, landscaping, forestry, councils, estate gardens, and flowers. It is also ideal for any situation where water repellent soils are not allowing water and nutrients to get into the root zone. MoisturAid overcomes water repellent and waterlogging problems, eliminates dry spots, improves drainage, optimises water and fertiliser availability, reduces stress and increases plant survival rates. Put simply: MoisturAid saves time, water and plants.

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  • Enhances water penetration in hydrophobic soils and potting mixes
  • Helps eliminate dry spots in soil profiles and turf areas
  • Improves plant and turf performance in dry conditions
  • Assists fertiliser uptake and water penetration into plant root zone
  • Improves drainage in waterlogged soils

MoisturAid works by decreasing the natural surface tension of applied water to ensure irrigation water or rainfall filters through to the root zone. This process makes the active ingredient available over a much longer period of time, usually up to six months. Unlike a liquid wetting agent, there is no need for irrigation after application of MoisturAid. MoisurAid also reduces the surface growth of moss and algae.

Suitable for use in: nurseries, landscaping, revegetation, councils, forestry, broadacre, viticulture, turf, lawn care, flowers, vegetables, and all other fruiting trees and shrubs.


Use Rates
Potting Mix 1 kg per m3 (at time of blending)
Top Dressing 1g per litre of potting mix (surface applied)
Landscape 30g per m2 for heavy soil. 60g per m2 for sandy soil (surface applied)
Tree Crops 1g per litre of back fill OR 30-60g per m2 side dressed (surface applied)
Lawn 30-60g per m2 (surface applied)
  • Yates MoisturAid Granular Wetting Agent - 25kg
  • MoisturAid is suitable for use in nurseries, landscaping, revegetation, councils, forestry, broadacre, viticulture, turf, lawn care, flowers, vegetables and all other fruiting trees and shrubs.

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