Anamed Female Queensland Fruit Fly Attractant $ Inc. GST SKU: |
Anamed Female Queensland Fruit Fly Attractant
ANAMED is a food- based attractant designed to be highly attractive to the most damaging Bactrocera spp. fruit flies including, but not limited to, Queensland fruit fly, Medfly and Cucumber fly. ANAMED is a specially formulated emulsion of hydrolysed proteins, oils, waxes, bee repellent and other proprietary ingredients to make the bait more rainfast and UV stable when applied to baiting surfaces. This allows ANAMED to last up to twice as long on plant surfaces compared to other industry leading fruit fly baits.
- Formulated for better UV stability and rainfastness for greater bait longevity on the field
- A 10L pail covers 10 hectares
- Highly attractive bait formulation to target Bactrocera spp. fruit flies
- Can be easily applied through mechanical applicators
Food-based Bactrocera spp. fruit fly attractants including – but not limited to -plant based oils, waxes and hydrolysed proteins.
ANAMED works by using food-based attractants and proteins that lure fruit flies to plants. Once combined with a suitable pesticide toxicant, diluted and sprayed on your crops, it successfully attracts and kills Bactrocera spp. fruit flies. ANAMED is 100% biodegradable, non-toxic and biologically inert material making it a safe choice for use on food crops.
- Mix 1L of ANAMED with 2L of water
- Mix in a suitable pesticide as per fruit fly management protocols.
- Apply ANAMED at 1L/ha (excluding water and chemical) to foliage in discrete droplets as you would normally apply splash bait hydrolysed proteins.
- In an orchard setting apply to every boundary tree and then to every tree in every 2nd row
- Reapply every 10-14 days late spring, early to late summer, and every 20 days in autumn-spring
Best results are obtained when applied with area wide male annihilation techniques or SITA and methods targeting mated females.