On Monday night Steve Falcioni (Manager of Eco-organic garden range) travelled to Brisbane to accept the inaugural award for BEST ORGANIC INPUT SUPPLIER, 2013 as part of the ORGANIC CONSUMER CHOICE AWARDS. The awards are conducted through social media as part of Organic Week which runs usually through the last week of October each year to promote awareness of the great things the organic industry is doing in this country. OCP received a deluge of votes which was very humbling considering it is the first time the category of ORGANIC INPUT SUPPLIER has been added to the awards. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our customers and friends who took the time to vote for us and for continuing to support the organic industry.
The photo shows Steve, the good looking one 🙂 with Anni Brownjohn (Ozganics MD and Telstra Business Women of the Year for Innovation) on the LHS, Therese Kerr (yes Miranda’s Mum and organics advocate) and of course Costa Georgiadis (Organic Ambassador and all-round great guy)